Thursday, April 12, 2007

Moving house

There is nothing quite like moving to make you feel like living in a tree. Whether you have a lot of stuff, not much stuff, or a lot of stuff having thought that you don't have much, there is always the disconnectedness which comes from having to find a new place. Imagine if we lived in a tree. Tree frogs rock.

If I hadn't had my mum helping me I would have ended up in the tree - a problem for my two dogs. She did the endless number of small jobs that would have hung around my neck like strangler vines for which I am very grateful!

Having said all of that I can now say that I have moved a little closer to work. I can now ride my bike, turn off the fans and aircon and reduce my environmental impact - although a tree would have been better from that point of view... And a big thankyou to my brother, father and Helen for helping too! You can come and stay on a branch anytime!